The Buchstabenfabrik Text
With more than 150 published books for children, young people and adults, translated into about 50 languages, countless contributions for radio, TV and print media, it is not surprising that the Austrian author Christine Nöstlinger has often described herself in interviews as a “one-man letter factory” (which means in German Buchstabenfabrik).
This is why her two daughters founded Christine Nöstlinger's Buchstabenfabrik at the end of 2018, a company for administering and further developing Christine Nöstlinger’s artistic and literary estate. The company aims at keeping her comprehensive work alive, while authentically respecting the artistic and societal values her children's literature always has been standing for: the interests, rights and perspectives of children and people at the margins of society. They have been central to her work, as they are to the her heirs.
The Buchstabenfabrik collaborates with national and international partners, such as publishers, theatre directors, opera houses, composers and radio- and film producers.
From autumn 2020, the Buchstabenfabrik started a cooperation with Kultur für Kinder | Culture for Children and the Austrian National Library with the Lesekoffer | reading case. The aim is to inspire children in the 2nd grade of primary school for reading and the world of books and language - without pressure to perform and with lots of fun. There are no costs for the schools or the parents! Also thanks to the support of the Oetinger publishing group, each year around 600 Viennese children and their teachers, who take part in the project, receive a book as a gift at the end of the project.
Another project is the Christine Nöstlinger Prize, which was awarded for the first time in 2021. The Christine Nöstlinger Prize, which was created together with the City of Vienna Culture and the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade, honours people who give children and all those who are otherwise not heard a voice, take their perspective and thus make a small contribution to making their lives a little fairer. The prize also aims to keep alive the humanistic principles and concerns that Christine Nöstlinger represented in her literature. The Christine Nöstlinger Prize is awarded annually and is endowed with € 10,000.
In autumn 2021, Christine Nöstlinger's Buchstabenfabrik was able to launch another initiative: Was steht da? | What does it say? All children ask this curious question! And we want to encourage this curiosity, to awaken the joy of language and reading in young children even before they even learn to read and write. Was steht da? combines the forces of those who are committed to early childhood reading promotion in Austria. By working together, cooperating and exchanging ideas, we can achieve much more than each of us could on one's own. Organisations and individuals from the sectors of education, social services and health, the public sector, science and NGOs are developing a common vision and strategy and incorporate it into their daily work.
Last but not least: If you are interested in our book rights or have ideas for a cooperation, we would be pleased to get in touch with you. Please contact Catharina Rosenauer, who administers the estate:
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Lesekoffer / Reading case

The "Lesekoffer" (reading case) is a joint project with the Association "Kultur für Kinder" and the Austrian National Library. The aim is to inspire children in the 2nd grade of primary school, mainly from disadvantaged families, for reading and for the world of books.
The project consists of three parts:
During an introduction at the beginning of November 2020, the teachers will receive teaching materials developed for them, background information on the author and a copy of the book "Schulgeschichten vom Franz". In the workshop that follows, they get to know the participating artists and their methods and receive lots of useful tips for creative language and reading projects in class. The focus is on two books by Christine Nöstlinger from the "Franz" series, as well as stories about the author herself. The material offered is to be used in class.
In February/March 2021, the two artists will visit the school classes with their reading case and prepare the information and ideas for the children and their teachers in an interactive workshop using creative-artistic approaches. Each child receives its own "Franz" book and is encouraged to continue reading.
In the course of the project more than 450 books are given away to the children and teachers.
The project ends with a visit to the Ceremonial Hall of the Austrian National Library in May/June 2021, where the children go on a mystery rally in search of the secret world of books and get to know the library and its history in a playful way.